Many disorders are treated by Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctors, or ENT specialists. With common afflictions such as ear infections, self-treatment is a common thing among many people in the world. If you want to know if you are suffering from ENT-related disorders, there are several signs that you should be on the lookout for including obstructions in the airway, problems in breathing, worsening pain, and a compromise in the circulatory system. These are problems that can cause your ENT doctor to take drastic steps to save your life.
Otolaryngology is a discipline that deals with conditions and disorders of the throat, ear, and nose, or ENT. The field also focuses on other areas of the brain related to these three senses. These senses are also related to some areas of the neck and the head. Therefore, the organs are vital in how the human brain functions. Whenever you have a problem that is related to your throat, nose or ear, then it is high time you visit an otolaryngologist.
What does an ENT Doctor Do?
An ear nose and throat doctor normally studies for four years in a board certified school besides from graduating from medical school. It is important to see an ENT specialist once you start having persistent problems with areas related to the throat, nose, ears and other areas such as neck and head. Doctors who have specialized in ENT may also be experts in the surgical field, especially in the areas of:
- Ear Condition: Doctors specializing in ENT are capable of managing and treating problems that cause impairment in hearing, ear disorders or ear infections. There are also many other conditions that can affect your ears, including tinnitus or ear ringing and pain in the ear. An ear nose and throat treatment doctors can help you when you are suffering from such problems.
- Nose problems: Doctors dealing with ENT also treat problems which affect the sinuses, nasal cavity and the nose in general. The best way to know if you have a problem with your nose is noting if it affects your ability to breathe, smell and changes in its physical appearance.
- Problems with the throat: Problems with the throat are deadly. You can have problems with eating, swallowing, singing, speech and digestion. Doctors who treat ENT can help in treating in diagnosing and treating this condition.
- Head and neck related ENT conditions: ENT specialists go through thorough training which is supposed to make them aware how ENT diseases can lead to other effects, traumas, and defects that can affect the face, neck, and head. They trained on how to perform cosmetic surgery in these areas in case such problems occur.
When do you need an ENT Doctor?
An ENT doctor is supposed to help you with all problems that are related to your throat, ear, and nose. The main question is when you should consult the doctor.
- Persistent loss of hearing: If you suffer from hearing problems for more than a week, then it is the high time that you should visit an ENT doctor. It is possible to suffer from a temporary loss of hearing when you listen to loud music for long periods, but if the problem continues, then you should visit an ENT doctor to determine if it is a permanent problem.
- Continuous Nasal Congestion: Waking up with a blocked nose is not unusual when you have a cold. When you feel the same way all the time, then you should get concerned. Persistent nasal congestion is not usual, and this is a sign that you should consult an ENT doctor. A doctor can tell you the cause. In most cases, it is as a result of allergies, deviated septum or infections.
- Sore Throat: It is common to have a sore throat, and that does not always warrant calling an ENT specialist. However, if the sore throat is persistent and lasts for more than a week, then you should be aware that it is not as common as you might think.
Health matters should not be taken lightly. If you have a persistent sore throat, ringing ears, sinus pain or constant nasal congestion, you should contact an ENT doctor.